terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2016


How to say you like or dislike someone or something  :

The verb gostar ‘to like’ is the one most commonly associated with likes and dislikes. It
can occur on its own when it is clear from the context who or what you are talking about;
otherwise it is followed by the preposition de and then a noun, a pronoun or an infinitive:

Você gosta de frutos do mar? – Gosto muito.
Do you like seafood? – Yes, I do, very much.

One peculiarity of gostar, as well as other verbs of liking and disliking, is that it is
normally used in the preterite tense when you are giving your first impression of something,
for example when trying some food, or commenting on a friend’s appearance. The present
tense is used more to refer to general likes and dislikes or when you have had some time
to form an opinion. Look at these examples:

A sopa está boa? – Eu gostei.
Is the soup good? – I like it.
Que tal essa camiseta azul? – Não gostei.
What about this blue T-shirt? – I don’t like it.
Ele é um banana. – ‘Banana’, gostei!
He’s a wimp. – ‘Wimp’, I like it!

Ref.: Modern Brazilian Portuguese Grammar - A Practical Guide.

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