terça-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2018


Ser com alguém:
This is used for ‘to be meant for someone; to be someone’s department’:

É comigo?
Do you mean me? / Do they mean me? / Are you talking to me?

É com você, Renata.
Over to you, Renata. (on TV programme)

Os aplausos eram com o diretor.
The applause was for the director.

Futebol não é comigo.
Football’s not my strong point. / It’s no use asking me about football.

Ref.: Modern Brazilian Portuguese Grammar - A Practical


When there is no adverb of time in the sentence, the perfect tense usually translates
‘has/have been’, while the preterite translates ‘was/were’, referring to a single instance in
the past., for example:

Eles têm sido muito compreensivos comigo.
They’ve been very understanding with me.

Eles foram muito compreensivos comigo.
They were very understanding with me.

Ref.: Modern Brazilian Portuguese Grammar - A Practical Guide.