quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2016

Verb Tenses :

INFINITIVO ( Infinitive) - The verb's default form. The other conjugations stem from here.
- PRESENTE( Present ) - for actions happening right now.
- PRETÉRITO PERFEITO ( Perfect Past ) - for actions that already happened.
- PRETÉRITO IMPERFEITO ( Imperfect Past) - for actions that are still happening .
- PRETÉRITO MAIS-QUE PERFEITO - ( More than Perfect Past) - for actions that happened before an action that already happened.
- FUTURO ( Future) - Actions that are yet to happen.
- FUTURO DO PRETÉRITO ( Future of the Past )- for actions that would happen in the future , but didn't because of a past action.
SUBJUNTIVO ( Subjunctive) - This verbal time is used when you are not certain of it happening. Basically, if you are unsure , this is the verbal time to use. It is further divided into other tenses:
- PRESENTE ( Present ) - for actions that may happen right now.
- PRETÉRITO IMPERFEITO ( Imperfect Past ) - for actions that did not happen, but it's said as a condition.
- FUTURO ( Future) - for actions that may happen in the future.
GERÚNDIO ( Gerund) - A special verbal time, equivalent to "ING" in English.
PARTICÍPIO ( Participle) - A verbal time, equivalent to "Past Participle}" in English.
IMPERATIVO ( Imperative ) - A verbal time used for giving order. Can be negative . This Verbal Time doesn't have a conjugation for the pronoun "EU" as you cannot give an order to yourself.
Ref.: ly/1QUZ5rh

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